The Rocketeer
(existe en version JAP & US)

Choix du niveau
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Code Game Génie
DF6C-07AF       Start with 1 chance instead of 3
D46C-07AF       Start with 2 chances
D06C-07AF       Start with 4 chances
D96C-07AF       Start with 5 chances
D16C-07AF       Start with 6 chances
D56C-07AF       Start with 7 chances
D66C-07AF       Start with 8 chances
DB6C-07AF       Start with 9 chances
8260-0FA7       Infinite chances
DD62-67AF       Automatically win first race at Bigelow
DF62-67AF       First race at Bigelow is 1 lap instead of 10
D962-67AF       First race at Bigelow is 5 laps
DE62-67AF       First race at Bigelow is 15 laps
FB62-67AF       First race at Bigelow is 25 laps
7462-67AF       First race at Bigelow is 50 laps
1762-67AF       First race at Bigelow is 99 laps
DD63-6DDF       Automatically win second race at Bigelow
DF63-6DDF       Second race at Bigelow is 1 lap
D963-6DDF       Second race at Bigelow is 5 laps
DC63-6DDF       Second race at Bigelow is 10 laps
FB63-6DDF       Second race at Bigelow is 25 laps
7463-6DDF       Second race at Bigelow is 50 laps
1763-6DDF       Second race at Bigelow is 99 laps
DD63-6D0F       Automatically win third race at Bigelow
DF63-6D0F       Third race at Bigelow is 1 lap instead of 10
D963-6D0F       Third race at Bigelow is 5 laps
FB63-6D0F       Third race at Bigelow is 25 laps
7463-6D0F       Third race at Bigelow is 50 laps
1763-6D0F       Third race at Bigelow is 99 laps
C988-0FAD       Protection against guns (only partly against grenades)--only in hangar
0C6D-A4DF       Cliff starts with 2/3 normal energy in hangar
496D-A4DF       Cliff starts with 1/3 normal energy in hangar
0C6D-A7AF       Enemies start with 2/3 normal energy in hangar
496D-A7AF       Enemies start with 1/3 normal energy in hangar
C98C-DD0F       Protection against Armored Flying Tank
C961-A767       Infinite super shots on pick-up
DD6B-D76F       Super shots worth nothing on pick-up instead of 3
C964-6FDD       Invincibility in the skies
C9A0-A40F       Protection against enemy rocketmen on the Zeppelin
10A8-DFDF       Easily defeat enemy rocketmen on the Zeppelin
10A6-DDDD       Easily defeat Nefarious Villain
D16B-D76F       Super shots worth 6 on pick-up
DB6B-D76F       Super shots worth 9 on pick-up
DA6B-D76F       Super shots worth 12 on pick-up